Tuesday, January 27, 2009

cellular devices

By: Dawn,Mary,and Sara

Americans are starting to depend on technology much more then we ever thought could happen. There's things like facebook,cell phones, telephones, texting, Instant Messaging,Myspace,Email,Fax,and much more. What happened to old fashioned letters or delivering messages by voice?? Well so much has changed and we did an experiment to see if I could last 31 hours without using a cell phone. Since I was sick Tuesday and Wednesday, I didn't go to school and I was sleeping the majority of the time so that part wasn't as hard to not use a cell phone. But when I was at home by myself and I was resting, it was really hard to not just take a peek at my phone just to see if i had 1 text message. I would constantly think about checking it whenever I walked by my dresser, but then I told my mom what I had to do for an experiment and convinced her to take it from me so I wouldn't be in reach of it. Teens these days are becoming upsessed with cell phones and it's almost worse than kids and television. Since cell phones seem to be the "cool and mature" thing, this leads more people to purchase them. But it probably won't last for too long cause soon enough there will be another new technology that is even more cool and updated than a cell phone. But hopefully, we can track back a little to more traditional things so we don't become isolated and distant from our friends,families, and peers.

~Dawn,Mary, and Sara 11:20


  1. I think that this lab is definately one of the hardest! Speaking from experience, living without a cell phone is soooo hard!! I think that we as a nation most definately depend on technology. For communication, media, news, ext. But not having a cell phone definately makes people more aware of everyone around them, and you become more focused on your suroundings, not the little screen in front of you. Good job!
    Elizabeth Lloyd 11:20

  2. Having a cell phone is great, but it gets very addictive. I think it would be very hard to do because like Mary said, i would want to check if i just had one message. It would also be hard to communicate with my family and other friends from home. Letters are also hard to write because they take so much time, and a lot of people do not have time to make old fashioned letters. Great job!
    Ariana Czernobil 11:20

  3. I like what Ari said about addiction. You really had to work to be without your phone and I'm proud of you for making it through. Was there anything good that came from giving up your phone? Would you do it again? Good research!!!!!
