Tuesday, January 27, 2009

cellular devices

By: Dawn,Mary,and Sara

Americans are starting to depend on technology much more then we ever thought could happen. There's things like facebook,cell phones, telephones, texting, Instant Messaging,Myspace,Email,Fax,and much more. What happened to old fashioned letters or delivering messages by voice?? Well so much has changed and we did an experiment to see if I could last 31 hours without using a cell phone. Since I was sick Tuesday and Wednesday, I didn't go to school and I was sleeping the majority of the time so that part wasn't as hard to not use a cell phone. But when I was at home by myself and I was resting, it was really hard to not just take a peek at my phone just to see if i had 1 text message. I would constantly think about checking it whenever I walked by my dresser, but then I told my mom what I had to do for an experiment and convinced her to take it from me so I wouldn't be in reach of it. Teens these days are becoming upsessed with cell phones and it's almost worse than kids and television. Since cell phones seem to be the "cool and mature" thing, this leads more people to purchase them. But it probably won't last for too long cause soon enough there will be another new technology that is even more cool and updated than a cell phone. But hopefully, we can track back a little to more traditional things so we don't become isolated and distant from our friends,families, and peers.

~Dawn,Mary, and Sara 11:20


Mary C., Dawn A., Sara D. 11:20
We believe that socail networking sites have a very positive effect on social capital. Myspace and Facebook allows you to keep in touch with close friends, family, and old friends. Facebook and Myspace have a huge effect on socail capital because it allows you to become better friends with the people you only 'sorta knew' before. By using these websites you can also become friends with your friends' friends in turn expanding socail capital even more. These websites allow us to have another form of communication other than phones. In this day in age almost everyone has a facebook or myspace page which makes communication possible with almost everyone.

Importance of the newspaper

Hey! Its Dawn,Mary,and Sara from 1120 civics class and we did lab #9 that had to do with how newspapers help us and we wrote a letter to the Winston Salem Journal and heres what it said:

A letter to the Winston Salem Journal-This is a student from UNCSA and for civics and economics class there was an assignment to think about how the local newspapers help build the social capital and community. I'm writing this letter because the Winston Salem Journal is a great social connector in our town and it informs us and enlightens us. But, there has been a lot of debating over declining newspaper reading and many newspapers have been folding. But I feel that the Winston Salem Journal helps our socical capital and brings our town closer together. When more people read the newspapers, more people are informed about whats going on and with all the information that the newspapers provide, it helps the public create a social capital and live easily as a community. During this point in time the newspapers are what we need to help our community and so keep up the good work! Thanks for all of the effort, time, and hard work that the Winston Salem Journal does to help the people in Winston Salem.If you'd like to reply please emailmclemen1@pop.ncarts.eduThanksWe really do believe that the newspapers help us and our community and thats why we wrote to the Winston Salem Journal. We dont want to see the newspaper companies go out of business and there becomes only tv news because the newspapers were original and were there before tv came out. Most grown ups are more into newspapers and they help their children learn about newspapers too. Theres so much change to come in the coming up years so why not keep something traditional??

thanks~Mary Dawn and Sara 11:20

Good friends

Dawn, Mary, Sara 11:20
We think that there are less 'close friends' on average than there used to be because we all have more acquaintances. In this point in time people on average have a lot of friends but fewer close friends. Technology has gotten better so now we can keep in contact with more people instead of just a few that you are really close with. Now a days, there are inventions like a cell phone. Cell phones give people the oppertunity to call friends and family through a wireless device and text message which is typing in words on a phone. Cell phones make it easier to talk to friends and keep in contact with each other but it makes us actually hang out with people less because we don't need to see them to talk. This can make you friends with a lot of poeple but it allows to drift from people too because we aren't actually seeing our close friends as much. With texting and facebook and all that other technology people can talk to a wider range of people and be in many different social groups but not necessarily be close with many people.